2 November, 10am-11:15am (London) / 6pm-7:15pm (Beijing time).
Nicola Bacon is taking part in a global dialogue convened by SIX and Leping Social Entrepreneur Foundation as part of their Re:Think Series. This aims to bring together leading social innovation actors from business, cities, technology sector to rethink what different sectors can learn from each other and do together to address the world’s pressing social challenges.
"Creating inclusive communities -- the role of placemaking and technology" is the second exchange session of the series, sharing experiences on creating inclusive places, through participatory placemaking practices and technologies. The session will explore the themes of urban governance, community participation and the role of technology in reimagining places.
Haokun Fu from UrbanXYZ will be in converation with Nicola Bacon from Social Life.
This is an invitation only event, if you’d like to join us, please email hello@social-life.co