On Monday 10th July Downham Dividend Trust CLT, Sevenfields PCN and Social Life launched our Community Health Champions project for Downham, Grove Park and South Catford. This is supported by Lewisham Council Public Health team.
We want people living in the area to get involved in working with us to understand what would improve physical and mental health for themselves, their families and their communities.
There will be workshops and community listening sessions in autumn 2023 and spring 2024. We will also be recruiting four Community Health Champions to work alongside us one day a week from September 2023 to March 2024.
More information about how you can get involved is here.
The application pack to become one of our four paid Community Champions is here.
The form you need to fill in to apply to be a Community Champion is here.
You can also apply by filling in the form and posting it back to us or by sending us an audio file answering the questions in the application pack - information about these options is in the application pack.
Email us hello@social-life.co or phone 0207 703 9630 if you'd like to talk about this more.